Barbara Kaneratonni Diabo

“I find that there’s a lot of really important and smart teachings in our culture that everyone could benefit from if we could live them. Not just because I’m an Indigenous person, but because they make sense to me.”

Barbara Kaneratonni Diabo is Kanien’kehá:ka of mixed heritage originally from Kahnawà:ke. Her hybrid theatre-dance practice highlights Indigenous themes, stories, and perspectives to inspire others, encourage cultural pride, uplift the spirit, and increase education and communication.

The Kanien’kehá:ka Worldview

Barbara explains how her Indigeneity forms an intrinsic part of her dance practice. Through her choreographies and the performances of her company A’nó:wara Dance Theatre, Barbara is helping to bring communities closer to the understandings and wisdom of the Kanien’kehá:ka worldview.



An award-winning choreographer and dancer, Barbara creates work that combines powwow, Haudenosaunee dance, and mainstream contemporary styles to create a fusion of dance, theatre, and performance that speaks across communities.


Smudge is a dance work about keeping traditions alive in a disconnected world. Performing with her child, Marshall Kahente Diabo, Barbara created a series of movements honouring the Ohén:ton Karihwatéhkwen (traditional Haudenosaunee Thanksgiving Address).