Multiple Bodies
Kama La Mackerel
Multiple Bodies
Kama La Mackerel
Kama La Mackerel explores intersecting corporalities of Queer - Trans - Racialized experience to create performance pieces that decolonize and inspire. Kama explains:
The i in my work, then, is not constrained by the boundaries of disciplinarity. I work across live performance, poetry, installations, textile, and visual arts to speak multiple aesthetic and political voices that enunciate a decolonial poetics. The voice in the body of my work expresses itself across different media and in the interstices between these media. These intermedia spaces provide the terrain for elaborating “strategies of selfhood— singular and communal— that initiate new signs of identity, and innovative sites of collaboration, and contestation” (Bhabha).
“I create a range of ‘in-between’ spaces and ‘in-between’ voices.”
Through an interdisciplinary practice, I create a range of ‘in-between’ spaces and ‘in-between’ voices which offer a kaleidoscopic view of my subjectivities as they relate to space, time, history, and kinship: “this interstitial passage between fixed identifications opens up the possibility of a cultural hybridity that entertains difference without an assumed or imposed hierarchy” (Bhabha). I thus re-figure my own corporality as multiple, transgressing genres, locations, bodies, tongues, spaces, and temporalities.
Named after the god of love, Kama La Mackerel is a multilingual writer, visual artist, performer, translator, and educator who believes in love, transformation, and justice. Their work ventures beyond the borders of disciplinarity and creates hybrid spaces from which to enunciate decolonial and queer vocabularies. Wholeheartedly invested in ocean narratives, island sovereignty, transgender poetics, and ancestral healing, their body of work challenges colonial notions of time and space as these relate to history, power, language, subject formation, and the body.
Dai Davies Morris
Vanessa Fortin
Louis Angot
Léa Marinova
Stacy Lee
Lily Hook
Val Bah
Multiple Bodies
Multiple Bodies
Kama La Mackerel
Kama La Mackerel explores intersecting corporalities of Queer - Trans - Racialized experience to create performance pieces that decolonize and inspire. Kama explains:
The i in my work, then, is not constrained by the boundaries of disciplinarity. I work across live performance, poetry, installations, textile, and visual arts to speak multiple aesthetic and political voices that enunciate a decolonial poetics. The voice in the body of my work expresses itself across different media and in the interstices between these media. These intermedia spaces provide the terrain for elaborating “strategies of selfhood— singular and communal— that initiate new signs of identity, and innovative sites of collaboration, and contestation” (Bhabha).
“I create a range of ‘in-between’ spaces and ‘in-between’ voices.”
Through an interdisciplinary practice, I create a range of ‘in-between’ spaces and ‘in-between’ voices which offer a kaleidoscopic view of my subjectivities as they relate to space, time, history, and kinship: “this interstitial passage between fixed identifications opens up the possibility of a cultural hybridity that entertains difference without an assumed or imposed hierarchy” (Bhabha). I thus re-figure my own corporality as multiple, transgressing genres, locations, bodies, tongues, spaces, and temporalities.
Named after the god of love, Kama La Mackerel is a multilingual writer, visual artist, performer, translator, and educator who believes in love, transformation, and justice. Their work ventures beyond the borders of disciplinarity and creates hybrid spaces from which to enunciate decolonial and queer vocabularies. Wholeheartedly invested in ocean narratives, island sovereignty, transgender poetics, and ancestral healing, their body of work challenges colonial notions of time and space as these relate to history, power, language, subject formation, and the body.
Kama La Mackerel explores intersecting corporalities of Queer - Trans - Racialized experience to create performance pieces that decolonize and inspire. Kama explains:
The i in my work, then, is not constrained by the boundaries of disciplinarity. I work across live performance, poetry, installations, textile, and visual arts to speak multiple aesthetic and political voices that enunciate a decolonial poetics. The voice in the body of my work expresses itself across different media and in the interstices between these media. These intermedia spaces provide the terrain for elaborating “strategies of selfhood— singular and communal— that initiate new signs of identity, and innovative sites of collaboration, and contestation” (Bhabha).
“I create a range of ‘in-between’ spaces and ‘in-between’ voices.”
Through an interdisciplinary practice, I create a range of ‘in-between’ spaces and ‘in-between’ voices which offer a kaleidoscopic view of my subjectivities as they relate to space, time, history, and kinship: “this interstitial passage between fixed identifications opens up the possibility of a cultural hybridity that entertains difference without an assumed or imposed hierarchy” (Bhabha). I thus re-figure my own corporality as multiple, transgressing genres, locations, bodies, tongues, spaces, and temporalities.
Named after the god of love, Kama La Mackerel is a multilingual writer, visual artist, performer, translator, and educator who believes in love, transformation, and justice. Their work ventures beyond the borders of disciplinarity and creates hybrid spaces from which to enunciate decolonial and queer vocabularies. Wholeheartedly invested in ocean narratives, island sovereignty, transgender poetics, and ancestral healing, their body of work challenges colonial notions of time and space as these relate to history, power, language, subject formation, and the body.